Friday, June 5, 2009

water boys

Uriah and I had dinner at our friends home a few weeks ago while Todd was out of town for work, and it was getting to be time for bath and bed when Uriah got invited to stay a little longer and have a bath with Silas! Oh what fun they had! Check out the water babies!

Oh, and summertime is here! It's getting hot outside and the water is getting warm, yeah!!!! Uriah loves to play in the sand, and he let auntie Jodi bury him!! Can't wait to get him in the water; it's still a little chilly for him, but he enjoys watching River swim.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

He's Mobile

13 months and he's crawling! A week ago he decided he'd try it on his own and away he went! He's so much fun!!

The day he crawled!
Going for toys!
Going for the camera!
Happy boy